J Marshall
J Marshall, M.Ed.
Director of Career Services


J. Marshall has been working in employment related services for twenty-five years.  This has included time as a career center director in higher education as well as various roles in a One Stop Career Center.  Prior to that he aided the disadvantaged in roles that ranged from supervising a project that served the homeless mentally ill and managing a program to provide employment support to individuals on transitional assistance.  He earned a B.A. In English and an M.Ed. in History from Westfield State University, as well as certification in the MBTI and Strong assessment tools, and completed the NACE Leadership Management Institute.  He also published a review in the Historical Journal of Massachusetts.  J. has also served as a member of the Springfield DMH Advisory Board, the Facilitator of the Friends of the Lighthouse, and the Vice President of Professional Development for the Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators.  J., a diehard New England Patriots fan, lives in Wilbraham with his wife, Megan, an Elms College alumna, and his three Australian Labradoodles.