Undeclared? Don’t worry. We’ll help you find the perfect major.

  • Work 1-on-1 with our director of advising to find the major that’s right for you.
  • Take a for-credit career exploration class that helps you experience a range of majors and minors.
  • Make a plan to graduate in four years.
  • Take advantage of Career Services, resume development workshops, and more.

ASPIRE Undeclared Program for Undeclared Majors

How do you choose a major when you’re not sure of your direction? The Elms College ASPIRE Undeclared program will guide you through your first year of college and help you find the right fit.

Specialized Advising

As an undeclared major you’ll work one-on-one with the Elms College director of advising in a guided approach to career exploration and selecting a major of study.

Finding the Right Path

Undeclared majors enroll in IDS 103 – a for-credit career exploration course, along with Elms College Liberal Arts Core Curriculum to explore a range of available majors and minors. Engaging with the liberal arts introduces students to a broad variety of disciplines and potential career paths. From visual art and literature to mathematics and science, you’ll explore the questions of who we are, how we think, and how we communicate with each other.

Specialized Program Features

  • Specialized advising with a goal to graduate in four years
  • Exploration of majors/minors through core courses
  • Six weeks of major/minor presentations from division chairs and tenured faculty in IDS 103- Career Exploration
  • Career Center resources
  • FOCUS2 Discovery online assessment tools
  • Resume development
  • Guided participation in clubs/activities

Quick Info

95% of Elms undeclared students select a major in their first year

Rebecca Molin ’20

Photo of Rebecca Molin, a business management and marketing double major, and goalie of the women's soccer team

“You just need to keep an open mind. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. That’s how I was able to steer myself in a better direction.”

With the help of the ASPIRE Undeclared program, Rebecca  went from being undeclared to double majoring in business management and marketing. Read Rebecca’s story.


Click to view course requirements for the ASPIRE Program.

Undeclared majors enroll in IDS 1003 (formerly IDS 103) – a for-credit career exploration course, along with Elms College Liberal Arts Core Curriculum to explore a range of available majors and minors. Engaging with the liberal arts introduces students to a broad variety of disciplines and potential career paths. From visual art and literature to mathematics and science, you’ll explore the questions of who we are, how we think, and how we communicate with each other.

Course offerings are updated on a rolling basis and can be discussed with your program director or faculty advisor.