The director of the library is responsible for overseeing the collection development process and for allocating the library’s budget fairly. Through library liaisons who roughly correspond to the disciplines in the Elms curriculum, working with the teaching faculty of each academic department, the library director ensures that each department’s budget is used for materials that support its teaching and learning.

The faculty of Elms College participates in the collection process by recommending materials that support the curriculum, support research, and keep the collection current. In addition, suggestions of faculty members, Elms administration, staff, and students are encouraged, so that the entire Elms community contributes to the building of the collection.

Every effort will be made to accommodate requests that are within the scope of the library’s overall collection development policies. The director of the library has final authority on materials purchasing and reserves the right to refuse the purchase of any faculty’s recommended material after consultation with the requestor and his/her department head.